
Team Members

Team Dabbath

Damien van der Meulen

  • Production
  • Mechanics Design
  • Ability Design
  • Level Design
  • Narrative Design
  • Sound Design
  • Mechanics Programming

Benjamin Tedmanson

  • Ability Design
  • Sound Design
  • Level Design
  • Economy Design

Annelise Belladonna

  • General 3D Art (Primary foci in Characters, Animations, Props, Concept and GUI)

Liam Hodder

  • General 3D Art (Primary foci in Environment, Props, Characters, Animations and VFX)
  • Ability Design
  • Sound Design
  • Level Design

Brandon Angell

  • Gameplay Programming
  • Ability Design
  • Sound Design

Tom Hay

  • UI Programming
  • Gameplay Programming

Brock O'Shea

  • AI Programming


You awaken to your afterlife in the underworld with no knowledge of how or why you got there... to what lengths would you go to find answers?

Heavenfall is a single player, first person, spell combat shooter. As a newly awakened demon, you must use a variety of ranged, melee and spell abilities to forge your path through the first layer of a Dante's Paradiso inspired heaven as you seek to meet with the Eternal One to find answers. Battle a variety of celestial foes until you face the guardian of the garden, whom you must defeat to proceed.
