
Team Members

5 Frames Games

Cody Archambault

  • Gameplay Systems Designer
  • Tool Systems Designer
  • Pixel Artist
  • Game Polish

Traveen Weerasooriya

  • Producer
  • Character Systems Designer
  • UI Designer

Sarah Watts

  • Character Artist
  • Gameplay Programmer

Emma Stitt

  • Tools Developer
  • Graphics Developer

Javier Angala

  • Level Designer
  • Sound Designer
  • Quality Assurance


Spearloom is a 2D momentum-based platformer where players must traverse and swing through levels with the use of a grapple spear. The game revolves around Kimiko, as she explores a world filled with many obstacles, hazards and challenges.

Swing, launch, and climb across various obstacles with your spear. Kimko can slide, jump, and wall kick, allowing her to traverse any barrier in her way. Race against time to try and reach the top of the leader board, or take on a challenge and collect all of the elusive "Bloomie's" which can be found throughout the world.
